Saturday, February 19, 2011

Helmet Hair (Old news from last week)

Just another day - no bells or whistles. It's still February and there's still lots of snow. I keep looking out the window hoping to see that, like a bad dream, the mountainous snowbanks have vanished overnight. They haven't. What's worse, there's another ten to 15 centimeters to come. More freakingly cold snow - just what we need! Yeah Canada!

So, when you're snowed in and thinking of two wheels and the open road what can you do? Well, you can get a new hair cut of course. This is a motorcycle blog so follow me here. Hair - helmet ... helmet - hair.  February is the perfect month to helmexperiement. I can't ride the bike but I can wear the helmet so that makes February the perfect month to test the hairdo for 'helmetability." This is, after all, a motorcycle blog from a feminine perspective. I'll be wearing the helmet around the house this week (Thankfully no body's watching) - I'll let you know how the helmet hair tests go.

More importantly - it's not the hair, it's what's under it. Wearing a helmet is all about protecting your most important feature - your head. Are you wearing a helmet?


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