Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hall of Fame inductions in October

From the Canadian Motorcycle Hall of Fame

TORONTO, ON -- The Canadian Motorcycle Hall of Fame 2008 Induction Banquet and Reunion, presented by the Motorcyclists Confederation of Canada (MCC) will be held Saturday, Oct. 25 at the Renaissance Toronto Airport Hotel and Conference Centre, near Toronto's Pearson International Airport.

MCC is the title sponsor of the banquet and a founding patron of the Hall of Fame. MCC administers the foundation that is home to the Hall of Fame.

You have until April 30 to submit nominations for consideration for induction in 2008. Nominations are held on file for up to five years. A nomination made now will be considered for 2008, but may not be selected immediately.

Nominations stand a better chance of success if they are well supported with testimonials and evidence of achievements. The selection committee will not do the research.

MCC's sponsorship of the Hall of Fame Induction Banquet now enters its third year. In total, MCC has provided $75,000 in cash to support the launch of this important Canadian motorcycling event.

In addition, MCC now provides all administrative and operational support for the Hall of Fame and Museum operations.


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