Thursday, July 15, 2010

Anne's Land And More...

I'm at a new campground on the Anne's Land Shore (that's the Cavendish shore for all you mainlanders). It's a bit (that's polite for a lot) more commercial on this side of the island. Okay, there are no squirrels or earwigs, and the grass has been nicely mowed, and they have a poster up that they've won an award (it must have been for orderliness). My tent is, what I would call, sitting in a long row of other tents and RVs all very neatly stacked one by the next. I never would have guessed yesterday that I'd be asking for the gosh darn squirrels (and the trees and a bit of "rusticness") back. I like the 'safetyness' of civilization, I just don't like the 'civilizationess' of it. But they have their internet back up and running and all is almost well with the world once again, after all it's dark and I am inside my tent.
I had a beautiful (in sunshine, yahoo!!!) ride up and down the coast from North Rustico to Kensington and Malpeque (which is a place, by the way, that Garmin Dan has never heard of). I did enjoy the parkway, which, who'd have guessed, is under construction. I figure at the rate they are going, by the year 2014 Prince Edward Island will have been totally rebuilt. I ate a fish sandwich in North Rustico for lunch and a turkey club (not nearly as good as the Creeks) in Cavendish for dinner. I met two couples (bikers: one Harley, one Suzuki, one Hyosung and one Kawisaki) from Nova Scotia at dinner who have persuaded me to go back to find the north cape, they said it was beautiful - so I guess that is tomorrow's plan.
Today I watched a border collie chasing waves on the beach, vigorously shaking them off just as soon as he caught them. I think he was having more fun than all of the humans.
My pristine little VStar must be having fun by my standards as she is covered in red mud splotches. She is working incredibly well with the exception of a little difficulty getting her into neutral on occassion.
Did I mention how nice the pool was here?


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