Tuesday, July 6, 2010

How Hot Was It?

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Thought I'd start with today's map, didn't get far and it took a long time, most of the time riding on a two lane behind one transport or another in heavy stop and go traffic. I think Garmin Dan was affected by the heat - his voice cracked and then he was nothing more than garbaleegook. I took him inside a McDs for a berry smoothy, let him cool down, told him to recalculate and we were on our merry way once more. I decided to scrap the touristy route and head directly for the campsite once the temperature hit about 100 F . . . so you ask, how hot was it:
It was so hot that the block of cheese that I had in my cooler melted (grilled cheese without the pan, or the bread).
It was so hot that when I poured out the water I was carrying in my insulated water bottle and put in a fresh cold drink - I got steam!
It was so hot, that when I finally hit a little shady moutain road and the temperature dropped to about 89, it felt positively chilly.
It was so hot that even the Star had to think twice about starting after the last stop. (It's the first time she's complained)
Again kutos to the MEC man who said, "you don't want a four season tent in July" He was right, am sleeping with the lid off tonight.
Am camping tonight at Delaware Water Gap. Have been through Gettysburg and toured the battlefield memorial, rode through Lancaster (I know I've been there before) and through Reading (made me think of NYC) and Allentown - tomorrow I hope to be in Vermont, isn't the weather always nice in Vermont?.
Alexa - there's lots of room in the tent, surprising, as the first time I set it up was in the living room, so it's not too big, just right. I can only sit up in one end though. Tonight I'm blogging under the canopy of the trees, okay, that's really because I have to sit near the post with the electrical hook up otherwise I'd prefer to be in my cozy little tent out of bug city.


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