Thursday, March 27, 2008

Factory Connection Canada rises from ashes

By John Hopkins

TORONTO, ON -- It is business as usual for Factory Connection Canada Inc., vowed General Manager Michael Haist, despite a fire that destroyed its premises in St-Nicephore, QC on Mar. 19.

In an open letter sent earlier this week, Haist said that temporary offices have been found and the company would be shipping its first set of suspension to a customer later this week.

"Failure is not going to be an option for us," Haist said. "We have already purchased and configured a new computer for our needs, we have driven to the United States and the new start up inventory is already here in Canada. Some tools have already been purchased and the bulk of it gets delivered Monday [Mar. 31].

"In the weeks to come we will be finding a new permanent address and then we can really start the new beginning."

Factory Connection Canada shared an industrial unit with another business, and according to Haist's letter a fire broke out in the adjacent offices.

"I will not explain details at this time due to ongoing investigations," Haist said, "but will tell you the very real reality of it for us is that the building and its entire contents is a total loss. We are left nothing, except our empty on-site support trailer."

Customers can reach Factory Connection Canada at 819-398-7722 or


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