Tuesday, June 30, 2009



The 3rd edition of the now infamous ‘Corner Grass Harescramble’ is in the books and of course the Corner Grass Racing Team (CGRT) was in attendance to represent our best interests.

Race Promoters Jay McGregor and Nick Riewe had there hands full with track preparations this year, as an unusually dry spring in Compeer, Alberta made for an extreme fire hazard.  In fact, a grass fire was ignited just days prior to the event during track maintenance…  Luckily it was quickly contained with the only one casualty - the beloved lawn mower!  But true to this community’s spirit and passion for the event, several water tankers were enlisted for a three day assault on the dry conditions, and come race day the track was mint and ready for shredding!

This year’s event was again split into a 2-moto format incorporating the 9km grass track and two endurocross sections.  Each moto was 1 hour in duration and the combined scores determined the overall positions.

CGRT was represented in the Pro class by Shane Cuthbertson and Jay McGregor both mounted on Husaberg FE 570’s.  In the Vet-Expert class, Nick Riewe was flogging the Husaberg FE 450 and anxious to destroy the competition.  The racing in both classes was intense, as the one-hour moto format and the imminent carnage caused by the endurocross sections kept the racing tight with positions constantly changing as the race evolved.

At the end of the day, CGRT’s Shane Cuthbertson earned 2nd overall with 1-3 moto scores, Jay McGregor earned 6th overall with 5-8 moto scores and Nick Riewe accomplished his goal by earning 1st overall in the Vet-Expert class with 1-2 moto scores.

All riders commented on the exceptional handling exhibited by the new ‘ Berg’ and Cuthbertson seconded that by saying ‘the 570 continues to impress as the neutral handling is a definite asset when conditions get tough.  The endurocross sections are so much easier on this bike – it is like riding an oversized trials bike!”

Next up for CGRT is Round 01 and 02 of the Canadian Enduro Championship (CEC) July 4th and 5th in Racehorse Creek, Alberta.  Stay tuned for coverage of these events and any other exciting news as we know it!


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