Saturday, May 10, 2008

MMIC signs deal with China

From the Motorcycle & Moped Industry Council

TORONTO, ON -- Bob Ramsay, President of the Motorcycle & Moped Industry Council (MMIC) and Mr. Bingnan Chen, the Secretary-General of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce for Motorcycles (CCCM) located in the Chao Yang District of Beijing, China, for the first time in Canadian motorcycle manufacturing history have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU), agreeing to work together to ensure that the manufacture of motorcycles and all terrain vehicles are safe, environmentally-friendly, energy efficiency and comply with the national standards in both countries in order to serve the interests of the entire industry and consumers in China and Canada.

“Today is a historic day for the MMIC,” stated Ramsay. “Through this MOU on cooperation, MMIC and CCCM have agreed to serve the interests of their members in a responsible and transparent manner in order to benefit the manufacturers, distributors and consumers of both countries.

“Both parties have also agreed to maintain open communication, working cooperatively to address any matters that arise and to respect each other’s positions.”

Secretary-General Chen commented that, “CCCM has agreed to inform all the Chinese export enterprises about Canada’s relevant laws and regulations as well as its standards and compliance requirements.”

Chen also stated that signing the MOU is a great start and compared this signing ceremony to planting a tree “that represents the growth of cooperation and friendship between the motorcycle industry of two countries.”

The key aspect of this MOU of Cooperation is that both Parties will emphasize and undertake the exchange of policies, laws and regulations, technical standards and requirements for compliance for motorcycle and all terrain vehicle products and provide information to each other within the limits of resources and time on market conditions, trends, motorcycle exhibitions, professional and educational conferences.


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