Monday, April 6, 2009

Machine Racing - Advertiser of the Day

Machine Racing, which celebrated its 25th anniversary last year, is Canada's largest motocross exclusivity shop. You won't find any fancy street bikes, no Harley Hogs, and no leather and chrome doodads at this Newmarket, Ontario Honda/Yamaha dealership. Machine Racing is 100% dirt bike oriented, and proud of it!

As its name implies, Machine Racing is about "racing" and geared towards the hardcore motocross, enduro, and hare scrambles competitor. That doesn't mean, however, that Machine's friendly staff doesn't welcome the not so hardcore off road enthusiasts - like regular moms and dads who just want to take the kids trail riding. Or first timers looking for a place to get a handle on things like what to buy, where to ride, what to do and not to do, etc. Questions don't cost a dime at Machine and the answers are always free.


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