Monday, February 11, 2008

SportREADERS add to trail success


Any adventure rider, be it on a dual sport bike, a snowmobile or an ATV, has found reading a bouncing GPS screen while riding (and even when stopped) to be difficult, if not impossible.

Canadian Enduro and Dual Sport rider Dennis Lever, a retired scientific instrument service manager became frustrated with not being able to quickly glance down and read his GPS unit clearly. Lever was determined to find a solution, and began to work on his idea in 2006.

The result was SportREADERS, small lenses that mount in a pair of goggles, effectively making them work like bifocals. SportREADERS do not interfere with normal straight-ahead vision but allow the wearer to see closer objects clearly by looking through the bottom portion of their goggle lens. The lenses aren’t permanently attached and can be moved from one set of goggles to another, making them easy to clean and even use with sunglasses!

SportREADERS come with everything you need to install them and are available in various strengths.

For more product and ordering information please visit:


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